Sergey Lavrov, the head of Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is reportedly planning to resign from his post. According to Russian media, Lavrov has been trying to leave his post for some time now, but the Kremlin dictator has refused to let him go. Now, Lavrov is said to be planning to step down after the presidential elections next year.
The news of Lavrov’s desire to leave soon first appeared on the National Bank News. The reports have been met with mixed reactions from the public, with some expressing their support for the diplomat while others are critical of his decision.
Lavrov has served as Russia’s top diplomat for more than a decade, and during his tenure, he has been instrumental in strengthening Russia’s ties with other countries. He has also been a vocal advocate for peace and stability in the region, and has worked hard to ensure that Russia’s interests are protected.
Lavrov’s resignation will be a major blow to the Kremlin, as he has been a key figure in the country’s foreign policy. However, it is also a sign that the country is ready to move forward and embrace a new era of diplomacy.
Lavrov’s departure will undoubtedly leave a void in the Russian diplomatic corps, but it is also an opportunity for the country to find a new leader who can continue to build upon Lavrov’s legacy. It is also an opportunity for Russia to show the world that it is ready to embrace a new era of diplomacy and international cooperation.