Глава Минобороны Китая назвал «единственный выход» для Украины в войне с РФ

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China’s Ministry of Defense Chief, Don Zhun, has once again called for peaceful negotiations to end the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. In a recent statement, Zhun emphasized that this is the only way for Ukraine to find a solution to the war and achieve long-term peace and stability.

The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia has been a source of concern for the international community for several years now. The annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014 and the ongoing military support of pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine have led to a devastating war that has claimed thousands of lives and displaced millions of people.

In the midst of this crisis, China has consistently called for a peaceful resolution and has urged both sides to engage in dialogue. As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, China has a responsibility to promote peace and stability in the world. Don Zhun’s recent statement reaffirms China’s commitment to finding a peaceful solution to the conflict.

The Ministry of Defense Chief stressed that negotiations are the only way for Ukraine to achieve long-term peace and development. He also urged both Ukraine and Russia to work together to create a conducive environment for negotiations and to avoid any actions that could escalate the conflict further.

China has always maintained a neutral stance in the conflict and has repeatedly called for all parties to exercise restraint and avoid any actions that could worsen the situation. Don Zhun’s statement once again highlights China’s role as a responsible global player, committed to promoting peace and stability.

It is worth noting that China has also provided humanitarian aid to Ukraine, demonstrating its support for the people affected by the conflict. This assistance includes medical supplies, food, and other essential items to help alleviate the suffering of those affected by the war.

In addition to calling for negotiations, Zhun also emphasized the importance of international cooperation in achieving a peaceful resolution. He urged all countries to work together to promote dialogue and contribute to the peaceful development of the region.

The statement by China’s Ministry of Defense Chief comes at a crucial time when tensions between Ukraine and Russia are at an all-time high. It serves as a reminder to all parties involved that the only way to end the conflict is through peaceful negotiations.

In conclusion, China’s Ministry of Defense Chief, Don Zhun, has once again called for peaceful negotiations to end the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. His statement highlights China’s commitment to promoting peace and stability in the world and serves as a reminder to all parties involved that dialogue is the only way to achieve a lasting solution to the conflict. Let us hope that all parties will heed this call and work towards a peaceful resolution for the sake of the people affected by this devastating war.

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