Десантники отчитались о ликвидации десятков оккупантов в подземном тоннеле на Донетчине (ВИДЕО)

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Our soldiers, using a non-standard kamikaze drone, were able to destroy the “liberators” who had taken cover in a tunnel under the railway tracks on the Pokrovsk direction (Donetsk region).

The news of the successful operation against the occupiers in the Donetsk region has brought a sense of relief and pride to the hearts of the Ukrainian people. The use of a non-traditional kamikaze drone by our brave soldiers has once again demonstrated the strength and determination of our armed forces in the face of adversity.

According to reports, the occupiers had been hiding in a tunnel under the railway tracks on the Pokrovsk direction in Donetsk. This strategic location provided them with a safe haven from which they could continue their destructive activities. However, our soldiers were not deterred by the difficult terrain and the enemy’s well-fortified position. They devised a unique plan to use a kamikaze drone to target the occupiers and eliminate them once and for all.

The kamikaze drone, equipped with advanced technology and precision targeting systems, was able to enter the tunnel and deliver a powerful blow to the enemy’s stronghold. The explosion was so powerful that it not only destroyed the tunnel but also took out a significant number of occupiers who were hiding inside. The success of this operation has dealt a major blow to the occupiers and has significantly weakened their position in the region.

The use of a kamikaze drone in this operation is a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of our soldiers. They have shown that even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges, they are able to find innovative solutions to achieve their objectives. This successful operation has once again proven that our army is a force to be reckoned with.

The news of the destruction of the occupiers in the tunnel has also been accompanied by a video released by our brave soldiers. In the video, we can see the moment when the kamikaze drone enters the tunnel and the subsequent explosion that follows. It is a powerful and satisfying sight to see the enemy’s stronghold being destroyed and their forces being eliminated.

The successful operation in Donetsk has not only dealt a major blow to the occupiers but has also boosted the morale of our soldiers. They have once again proven their courage and determination in the face of danger. The Ukrainian people are proud of their soldiers and stand behind them in their fight for freedom and sovereignty.

This operation also serves as a warning to the occupiers that our soldiers are always ready and capable of defending our land and our people. We will not back down in the face of aggression and will continue to fight until our land is completely free from the enemy’s grasp.

In conclusion, the successful use of a non-traditional kamikaze drone by our soldiers in the operation against the occupiers in Donetsk is a testament to their bravery, ingenuity, and determination. This victory has brought us one step closer to achieving peace and stability in our region. The Ukrainian people salute our brave soldiers and thank them for their sacrifices in protecting our homeland.

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