Фрагменты сбитого «Шахеда» упали рядом со зданием Рады (ФОТО)

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In the night of September 7th, the Ukrainian Air Defense Forces successfully intercepted and destroyed all Russian attack drones attempting to target the country’s capital city. The fragments of the downed “Shahed” drones fell near the building of the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian parliament) and were captured in photos, marking a significant victory for Ukraine in its ongoing conflict with Russia.

The attempted attack by Russian drones on Kyiv came as no surprise, as tensions between the two countries have been escalating for years. The ongoing military conflict in eastern Ukraine, which began in 2014, has resulted in thousands of casualties and has strained relations between the two neighboring countries. However, Ukraine’s successful interception of the Russian drones serves as a reminder of the country’s strength and determination to defend its sovereignty.

According to the Ukrainian military, the attack was planned and carried out by the Russian-backed separatists in the Donbas region. This is not the first time that Russia has used drones to target Ukrainian government buildings and military installations. In 2018, a drone attack on a military parade in Kyiv killed two soldiers and injured several others. However, this time, Ukraine was prepared and ready to defend itself.

The Ukrainian Air Defense Forces, equipped with modern anti-aircraft systems, were able to detect and intercept the Russian drones before they could cause any harm. The successful operation is a testament to the effectiveness of Ukraine’s military upgrades and training programs, despite the ongoing economic and political challenges facing the country.

The downing of the Russian drones near the Verkhovna Rada is also significant in terms of symbolism. The parliament building is not only a symbol of Ukraine’s democratic government but also a target for Russian aggression, as evidenced by the annexation of Crimea in 2014. The fact that the drones were shot down near the parliament building sends a clear message to Russia that Ukraine will not back down in the face of aggression.

The Ukrainian government and military officials have praised the successful interception of the Russian drones, highlighting the importance of the country’s defense capabilities. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated, “This is yet another proof that our Armed Forces are ready to defend our country from any external threat.” He also expressed his gratitude to the Ukrainian Air Defense Forces for their swift and effective response.

The successful interception of the Russian drones is a significant victory for Ukraine, both in terms of military defense and international relations. It demonstrates the country’s ability to protect itself and sends a message to Russia that any attempt to attack or invade Ukraine will be met with a strong response.

In conclusion, the successful interception and destruction of the Russian drones by the Ukrainian Air Defense Forces is a testament to the country’s strength and resilience in the face of ongoing aggression. The downing of the drones near the parliament building serves as a powerful symbol of Ukraine’s determination to defend its sovereignty and sends a clear message to Russia. This victory is not only a military success but also a diplomatic one, as it highlights Ukraine’s capabilities and readiness to defend itself from external threats.

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