В Британии принято решение разрешить Украине бить по целям на территории россии, — СМИ

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In Kiev, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken declared that the United States is prepared to adapt its policy as the situation on the battlefield changes. This statement was made during a press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, as part of Blinken’s visit to the country.

The United States has been a strong supporter of Ukraine in its ongoing conflict with Russia. Blinken’s visit to Kiev, just two days after meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, was seen as a show of solidarity and commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

During the press conference, Blinken emphasized the United States’ unwavering support for Ukraine, stating, “We stand strongly with Ukraine, its sovereignty, and its territorial integrity. We have made clear that Russia’s aggressive actions against Ukraine will not be tolerated and that we will respond to any violation of international law.”

He also acknowledged the sacrifices that Ukraine has made in defending its sovereignty, stating, “We know that Ukraine has paid a high price in defending its territory and its people. And we honor the courage and determination of the Ukrainian people in the face of this aggression.”

Blinken also discussed the ongoing negotiations for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, stating that the United States supports the Minsk agreements and the Normandy Format as the best path towards a lasting solution. He also reaffirmed the United States’ commitment to working with its European partners to hold Russia accountable for its actions in Ukraine, including through economic sanctions.

However, Blinken also emphasized that the United States is prepared to adapt its policy towards Russia and Ukraine as the situation on the ground changes. He stated, “We are prepared to adapt our policy as the situation on the ground changes and as the Russian government’s actions evolve. We will continue to work with our European partners to find a peaceful resolution to this conflict.”

This statement by Blinken is significant, as it shows that the United States is not only committed to supporting Ukraine, but also willing to adjust its approach in response to the actions of Russia. It also sends a strong message to Russia that the United States will not stand by and allow its aggressive actions to go unchecked.

The visit of Blinken to Kiev also coincides with the recent escalation of tensions between Ukraine and Russia, with both sides accusing each other of violating the ceasefire agreement in eastern Ukraine. The United States has been closely monitoring the situation and has expressed concern over the buildup of Russian troops near the Ukrainian border.

During the press conference, Blinken also discussed the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the United States’ support for Ukraine in its fight against the virus. He announced an additional $155 million in humanitarian assistance and COVID-19 support for Ukraine, bringing the total US assistance to the country to over $2 billion since 2014.

In conclusion, Blinken’s statement in Kiev reaffirms the strong partnership between the United States and Ukraine and the United States’ commitment to supporting Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. It also shows that the United States is closely monitoring the situation and is prepared to adjust its policy in response to the actions of Russia. The visit of Blinken to Kiev sends a clear message of solidarity and support to Ukraine and serves as a reminder to Russia that its aggressive actions will not be tolerated.

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