«Я не думаю, что война закончится в этом или следующем году», — министр обороны Нидерландов

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Ruben Brekelmans, the Dutch Ambassador to Ukraine, recently made a statement urging for more support towards Ukraine, but also cautioning against setting unrealistic expectations. In his words, “We should help Ukraine more, but we should also not set our expectations too high.” This statement highlights the delicate balance between providing assistance and maintaining realistic goals for Ukraine’s progress.

Ukraine has been facing numerous challenges in recent years, from political instability to economic struggles and ongoing conflict in the eastern regions. As a neighboring country and a member of the European Union, it is natural for the Netherlands to feel a sense of responsibility towards Ukraine. However, it is important to acknowledge that the road to recovery and development for Ukraine will not be easy or quick.

The Netherlands has been a strong supporter of Ukraine, providing financial aid, technical assistance, and political support. In 2019 alone, the Dutch government allocated 55 million euros for various projects in Ukraine, focusing on areas such as good governance, rule of law, and economic development. This support has been crucial in helping Ukraine move towards a more stable and prosperous future.

However, as Ambassador Brekelmans pointed out, it is important to not set unrealistic expectations for Ukraine’s progress. The country is still facing significant challenges, and it will take time and effort to overcome them. It is crucial for both the Dutch government and the international community to understand and acknowledge this reality.

At the same time, it is also important to continue providing support and assistance to Ukraine. The country has made significant strides in recent years, such as implementing important reforms and strengthening its ties with the EU. These efforts should be recognized and encouraged, and the Netherlands can play a crucial role in this process.

One area where the Netherlands can continue to support Ukraine is in the fight against corruption. Corruption has been a major obstacle to Ukraine’s development, and the Dutch government has been actively working with Ukrainian authorities to combat this issue. The Netherlands has also been a strong advocate for the establishment of an independent anti-corruption court in Ukraine, which was finally launched in 2019.

Another important aspect of support is people-to-people connections. The Netherlands and Ukraine have a long history of cultural and economic ties, and it is important to continue fostering these connections. This can be done through initiatives such as student exchanges, cultural events, and business partnerships. These connections not only benefit both countries economically, but also promote mutual understanding and friendship.

In addition to providing support, it is also crucial for the Netherlands to continue advocating for Ukraine on the international stage. As a member of the EU, the Netherlands has a strong voice in shaping the EU’s policies towards Ukraine. This includes supporting Ukraine’s European integration and advocating for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in the eastern regions.

In conclusion, Ambassador Brekelmans’ statement serves as a reminder that while it is important to provide support and assistance to Ukraine, it is equally important to not set unrealistic expectations. The Netherlands has been a strong partner for Ukraine, and this support should continue. By maintaining a positive and realistic approach, the Netherlands can play a crucial role in helping Ukraine on its path towards a stable and prosperous future.

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