Кремень рассказал, как власти намерены бороться с «режимом двуязычия» у украинских учителей

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According to the norms of the relevant legislation, which came into force in 2021, the main language of communication, including in the service sector, should be Ukrainian. This decision has sparked controversy and debate among the Ukrainian population, with some welcoming it as a step towards strengthening national identity, while others view it as a restriction of their linguistic rights.

The Ukrainian government, led by President Volodymyr Zelensky, has been vocal about promoting the use of the Ukrainian language in all spheres of society. In a recent statement, Zelensky emphasized the importance of preserving the Ukrainian language as a symbol of the country’s independence and sovereignty. He also highlighted the need to combat the so-called “bilingual regime” that has been prevalent in certain regions of Ukraine.

One of the measures taken by the government to promote the use of Ukrainian is the introduction of a new law that requires all service providers, including schools and businesses, to use Ukrainian as the main language of communication. This law has faced criticism from some minority groups, who argue that it limits their right to use their native language in their daily lives.

In response to these concerns, the Ukrainian government has assured that the law does not prohibit the use of other languages, but rather aims to promote the use of Ukrainian as the main language of communication. The government has also emphasized the importance of preserving linguistic diversity and has pledged to provide support for minority languages and cultures.

One of the main challenges in implementing this law is the shortage of qualified Ukrainian-speaking professionals in certain regions of the country. To address this issue, the government has announced plans to provide language training and support for teachers and service providers to improve their Ukrainian language skills. This will not only help them comply with the new law but also enhance their ability to communicate with a wider range of clients and students.

The Ukrainian government’s efforts to promote the use of Ukrainian have also been met with support from various organizations and institutions. The National Bank of Ukraine, for example, has announced that it will only accept documents and conduct transactions in Ukrainian, in line with the new law. This move has been praised by many as a positive step towards strengthening the status of the Ukrainian language.

In conclusion, the decision to make Ukrainian the main language of communication in Ukraine has sparked controversy, but it is a necessary step towards preserving the country’s national identity and promoting linguistic diversity. The government’s efforts to support and promote the use of Ukrainian should be seen as a positive move towards creating a more inclusive and unified society. With the right measures in place, the Ukrainian language can continue to thrive and serve as a symbol of the country’s rich cultural heritage.

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