Дроны СБУ атаковали склад с боеприпасами в Воронежской области: детонация продолжается до сих пор

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The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has recently congratulated their colleagues from the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) on the Day of Ukrainian Military Intelligence. The SBU took to their official Twitter account to publicly recognize and commend the contributions of the GUR to the country’s security and defense.

The Day of Ukrainian Military Intelligence is celebrated on November 5 each year, marking the establishment of the GUR in 1918. This holiday is an important occasion to honor the brave men and women who serve in the GUR, risking their lives to gather vital information for the country’s defense.

The SBU’s message to their colleagues from the GUR was a sincere expression of gratitude and appreciation. The tweet read, “SBU congratulates our colleagues from the GUR on the Day of Ukrainian Military Intelligence. Thank you for your professionalism and dedication to protecting our country!”

This public recognition from the SBU is a clear indication of the strong collaboration and cooperation between the two agencies. While the SBU focuses on counterintelligence and counterterrorism, the GUR is responsible for gathering and analyzing information from foreign countries.

The SBU and the GUR have been working closely together to counter the threats posed by Russia’s ongoing aggression towards Ukraine. The GUR’s intelligence has been crucial in providing valuable insights on the movements and intentions of Russian military forces near the Ukrainian border.

In recent years, the GUR has also played a key role in exposing and preventing Russian attempts to interfere in Ukrainian elections and political processes. Thanks to the GUR’s intelligence, the SBU has been able to take decisive action and safeguard Ukraine’s democratic processes.

The SBU’s acknowledgement of the GUR’s efforts on this important day is a testament to the strong bond between the two agencies. It also serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by the GUR’s members, who often work in dangerous and high-stress environments.

The GUR has a long and proud history, and its members have continually demonstrated their dedication and bravery in the face of adversity. Their work is essential in safeguarding Ukraine’s sovereignty and protecting its citizens.

On this Day of Ukrainian Military Intelligence, it is important to recognize and honor the contributions of the GUR. Without their unwavering commitment and expertise, Ukraine would not be as well-equipped to face the challenges posed by its enemies.

The SBU’s message of congratulations is a call to all Ukrainians to unite and support the GUR in their mission to defend the country. It is also a message of appreciation and respect for the sacrifices made by the GUR’s members in service to Ukraine.

In conclusion, the SBU’s public congratulation of their colleagues from the GUR on the Day of Ukrainian Military Intelligence is a heartwarming and inspiring display of solidarity. It serves as a reminder of the importance of intelligence gathering and the crucial role it plays in protecting a country’s security and sovereignty. The SBU’s message is a call for all Ukrainians to stand together and support their brave and dedicated intelligence officers. Happy Day of Ukrainian Military Intelligence!

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