Песков прокомментировал заявление Эрдогана о деоккупации Крыма

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made a bold statement on September 11th, declaring his support for the liberation of Ukrainian Crimea from Russian invaders. This declaration has sparked a response from Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who has commented on the necessity of de-occupation of the peninsula.

Erdogan’s statement comes as a strong show of solidarity with Ukraine, a country that has been facing ongoing aggression from Russia since the annexation of Crimea in 2014. The Turkish President’s words carry significant weight, as Turkey is a key player in the region and a member of NATO. This stance also demonstrates a clear departure from Turkey’s previous neutral position on the issue.

In his speech, Erdogan emphasized the need for the international community to take action in liberating Crimea from Russian control. He stated, “We will never accept the annexation of Crimea and the violation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity. We stand with our Ukrainian brothers and sisters in their fight for freedom and justice.”

This statement has been met with a response from Peskov, who has dismissed Erdogan’s call for de-occupation as “unacceptable interference in Russia’s internal affairs.” However, his words hold little weight as the annexation of Crimea has been widely condemned by the international community as a violation of international law.

Erdogan’s support for the liberation of Crimea is a significant development in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. It sends a clear message to the Kremlin that their actions will not go unnoticed or unchallenged. It also serves as a reminder to the international community that the issue of Crimea is far from resolved and requires immediate attention.

The Turkish President’s statement has been welcomed by Ukrainian officials and citizens, who have long been fighting for the return of their land. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba expressed his gratitude, stating, “We are grateful for Turkey’s unwavering support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

This show of support from Turkey also has economic implications, as the two countries have been strengthening their economic ties in recent years. Turkey is Ukraine’s second-largest trading partner, and the two countries have been working towards a free trade agreement. This partnership could potentially provide Ukraine with much-needed economic support in its efforts to regain control of Crimea.

In addition to the political and economic implications, Erdogan’s statement also carries a strong message of solidarity and support for the Ukrainian people. It shows that they are not alone in their struggle and that their fight for freedom and justice is recognized by the international community.

In conclusion, Erdogan’s call for the liberation of Ukrainian Crimea is a significant development in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. It demonstrates Turkey’s strong stance on the issue and sends a clear message to the Kremlin that their actions will not be tolerated. This statement also serves as a reminder to the international community that the issue of Crimea is far from resolved and requires immediate attention. With Turkey’s support, Ukraine may be one step closer to reclaiming its land and achieving peace in the region.

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